This is the website for dog lovers, specially those who love Portuguese Water Dogs.

my family

Here you can see blog posts of my families, and other people who treat me like family. You will see my owners, my mom, my siblings, my breeder Giene Keyes, and my veterinarian doctors.

My all natural food

I eat all natural organic food, unprocessed, unseasoned, and raw. You human look for food in your refrigerator and freezer; well, me too.

My fun life

I am a puppy, and I love to have a lot of fun. Here you can see me playing, running, and sleeping.

My Champion Mom

My mom has won numerous Championship titles. Come see my mom's pictures, awards, and resumes on Shooting Star News.


Thank you for reading Snowy's Website.

Hi, my name is Snowy

I am a Portuguese Water Dog from Shooting Star in Wisconsin. My mommy, Violet, gave birth to 10 litters that included myself on September 30, 2016. I am now living with my current owners, Deidre and Aldy, in their high rise apartment in the beautiful town of Evanston, IL. So here are my stories, pictures, and videos. Enjoy!!!

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  • Summer 2019 Trip to Colorado

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