Day After Thanksgiving

It's a half hour late to pick up Snowy. He had grown twice the size from 2 weeks ago when we visited. Snowy seems very quiet sniffing around the living room. His mom, Violet, sitting nice and quiet next to Axl.

Snowy thinking: "Hmm...what are all this sniff..sniff, all my litter families are still in the basement wondering what's going on, and I'm here treated special. Hey look at this couple, I kinda remember their smell, was it like from 2 weeks ago?"

Pictures time, this lady is holding me, and Giene was taking a picture of me and the couple. OK, that's it, one is enough, time to jump from the couch, ooops, I did it because she was distracted. Hmm...I think I kinda like her, we are almost the same, we got distracted a lot. And what is this they are calling me? Snowy? wait wait..., where are they taking me??? This place smells different, is this their car? I want to go back..waaaahhhh waaahhh. Hey, she's telling me I'm going to their home in Evanston. She's holding me by the window and they're turning on this classical music, woahhh, I'm sleepy...

Now I'm in their home, this place feels so strange. What are they going to do to me now???


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