All Natural Chicken Meal

You can see here on Wednesday, December 21st., I am having the all natural chicken breast for lunch. The chicken breast in this video is approximately 8 ounces. It's raw, organic, and no seasoning. It's frozen hard for two reasons: to kill the salmonella bacteria and to make me chew my food. Otherwise, I would swallow the chicken meat whole without chewing and I would throw up later. The chewing of the frozen chicken meat and the bones also brush my teeth, you can hear the chewing noise from the video. The chicken breast was thawed a little bit under running water so I can smell the fresh chicken aroma.

I finished the chicken breast in less than 12 minutes. The video was cut to around 2 minutes to save time and file size. Deidre bought the chicken and butchered it herself. She saved my portions in ziplock bags inside freezer, and cooked the rest for herself and her husband. This is the real all natural meal, go see for yourself in the video. They eat the same chicken as me, theirs cooked with seasonings and mine frozen and raw.

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