Two Puppy Classes and One Obedience Class Later

To have a healthy and good puppy requires some social classes, and my owners made sure I got some good classes. Does it work? Well, all I can say it's a work in progress, my friends... I can be sweet, cuddly, and cute. Deidre said I'm the best looking dog in the whole world, but I'm still an animal that need discipline and guidance from my leaders.

Starting from puppy class at Unleashed on Sunday morning, I learned how to play as a good puppy. I just want to play with everyone, even when some of them don't know how to, I'm confident that I can make them want to play with me. The worst part was the cuddle and quiet time, I was so restless. It's difficult to stay still for more than two seconds in a room full with puppies and people with treats.

What I learned from this class was Meagan trained me how to touch my owner's hand, sit, play, come, stay calm among the noise of vacuum cleaner, and going around being petted by different people. I got to know a mini golden doodle named Randall who was obsessed with me. At the last day, many of my puppy classmates tried to nip my butt which I think because of my cool lion cut hair style?

On Saturday mornings, I had another puppy class at Rex's Place where it was more discipline and less play time. I finished this class and I showed off my tricks on how to roll over and sit on a chair. What I learned from this class was Wendy trained me to be less playful but more discipline with sit, recall, and a basic introduction to agility game. Some friends I met here: Grady the border collie and Bailey another portie.

And finally I took Obedience class at Rex's Place, where I was really struggling with how to stay calm. I guess 6 months old was not an easy time for a "teenager" puppy. My owners asked Wendy for one hour private training outside the class to help me control my "temper tantrum" that suddenly come when I was with Aldy. Well, it was really hard to not jump and nip on his jacket when I was really excited. I did pass the class and I did my best at staying calm on the last day of the class.

As for the tricks, I showed off what I learned after one week training with Deidre:

  • crawling with my butt up (very difficult to crawl with butt down)
  • sit on a chair (this is my specialty)
  • high five (paw rules)
  • beg (really?)
  • roll over to the right and left (love these)

What I learned from this class was Dennis taught me to be more discipline in staying and listening (which I'm still struggling). There was really no play in this class, all about focus in heeling, come, recall, stay, and listening. I met some of my puppy classmates like Grady and Bailey, and new friends like Jackson the white lab and Teddy the black lab.

2 Responses

  1. You guys are doing such a good job with him – He is a lucky dog to have you!

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