
Summer 2019 Trip to Arizona

The driving distance from Colorado to Arizona is 795 miles or around 13 hours driving. Looking at the car windows I could smell the hot pavements and the burning sun in the air. We went to visit a vineyard here, as you can see here, can you tell what kind of grapes will thrive in...
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Summer 2019 Trip to Colorado

Okay, I’m about to show you where I went on this road trip. Its a long and beautiful road, in and out of gas stations, potty breaks, and sometimes we took a nap at rest areas. Even though the car was packed, as long as I’m with my owners, that is all I need in...
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Happy Holidays 2018

Snowy wishes Happy Holidays 2018 to everyone. May the Holidays be merry and the New Year be filled with yummy treats... Snowy loves the Holidays with all my families, my new toys, and doggie friends. Snowy also loves to chew the Santa hat when nobody was looking. Snowy loves to pose for pictures during holidays...
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Intermediate Agility

Click or press the center of the black box above to play the video.

I'm now in Intermediate Agility. It takes a lot of work between me and Deidre to be this good, and I really enjoy it.

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