Category Archives: My Classes

Intermediate Agility

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I'm now in Intermediate Agility. It takes a lot of work between me and Deidre to be this good, and I really enjoy it.

Beginner Agility

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Here's a video of me in my Beginner Agility class. Deidre strained her right ankle 6 days before this video was taken, so she ran like that. I learned to go through jump sets, weave, dog walk, 15 feet tunnels, chute tunnel, teeter, A-frame, and tire.

My Second Swim Lesson

I had my second swim lesson on Friday, March 10. Deidre invited Kerry's Golden Retriever dog, Murphy, to join me for a swim.

Click or press the center of the black box above to play the video.

My First Swim Lesson

Today I took a swimming lesson at Doggie Paddle. Together with me in the water were Jackomo, my trainer, and my new friend Gus, the 2 year old 170 pound Newfoundland. I was nervous and excited, I guess I need to get used to it...

Click or press the center of the black box above to play the video.

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