Category Archives: My Favorite Videos

Learning to Snowboard

Click or press the center of the black box above to play the video.

Look at me having the Winter Olympic mood, isn't snowboarding fun?

Learning To Skateboard: Part 1

Here I am learning to ride a skateboard. I was 9 months old when this video was taken, and I had been learning to ride a skateboard for 2 months already. The video was taken at the deepest end inside my building's parking garage, which the maintenance guys used as storage. Pardon the mess, but I got to practice because my living room is too small now.

Press or click the center of the black box above to play the video.

My First Fireworks

I had my first fourth of July fireworks experience. It was fun. Should I be scared?

Click or press the center of the black box above to play the video.

Snowy’s playing with family

On January 9, 2017, I got to play and have fun with my mom Violet, Axl, and my sister Lula. I feel so happy, my holiday wish came true!!!

Playing with my sister Lula

After being separated for one and a half month, I finally got to meet and play with my sister Lula on January 9, 2017. Oh my sister, I miss you so much, let's play!!!

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