My First Visit To The Royal Treatment Veterinary Center

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Today is my 3 months birthday, Friday, December 30th, 2016. I guess my owners have something special planned for me, because my daily walking and feeding schedule is earlier than usual. Yes! Deidre and Aldy is taking me on a special drive. Hmm...this place smell familiar, smell dogs like me. I actually love this place with all the cheese that she's been giving me. I usually don't get this much treats.

After waiting in a stable like room, I entered the bigger room to be weighed, and I am 19.6 pounds. Then we go to another smaller room inside. These 2 women, Kate and Dr. Ariele Herndobler come into the room and start touching me. I get to try this new treat, what's this? A dry treat that smells like a mix of salmon and cod. I decided to love this place, I feel special with all the treatments, and treats. I wish I can stay.

On the drive back to home, I feel sooo sleepy. I think it's the canine DAPv, the second vac booster that I just got.

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