Summer 2019 Trip to Arizona

The driving distance from Colorado to Arizona is 795 miles or around 13 hours driving. Looking at the car windows I could smell the hot pavements and the burning sun in the air. We went to visit a vineyard here, as you can see here, can you tell what kind of grapes will thrive in this kind of environment? Actually if you look at the pictures of my owner having a wine tasting, you can answer that question.

I also went to Petrified Forest National Park, in here my memory was just water water drink drink and more shade. This beautiful ancient tree that became petrified ended up looking like rocks; see how beautiful it looks. I was so grateful for my red boots here, because I could not imagine stepping on that rocks with my bare paws when the desert temperature was 100⁰ F.

We also visited a ghost town where the temperature was around 110⁰ F. I couldn't even stand more than 10 seconds for a pose, poor Deidre had to keep trying to get a good shot of me.

Other things that we did here, hung around this pet friendly resort inside and out, and soon enough I realized it's that time to get ready for another adventure again.

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